The bidding phase and the contract subscription phase, based on the working portfolio or a design draft acquired by the customer.
Your deposition or our deposition of papers and the procurement of the city planning certificate, even prior to any contract subscription. A technical examination report has to be drawn up by a M.L.P.A.T.(The Ministry of Public Works and Territorial Urbanism) certified specialist in case intercessions are made to old buildings. Howsoever a geotechnical survey worked out by a certified engineer is required.
Elaboration of a design draft, if it has not been done in phase 1. Amendment of this draft in accordance with your requirements and conclusion of the architecture solution.
Working out the themes and forwarding them to the specialties engineers. Alterations to the design are more difficult at this phase, as the specialties are already involved.
Drawing up the technical design (P.T.) and the extraction of the spare parts composing the construction certificate design (P.A.C.). This design is necessary to procure the notices, the approvals and the construction authorization and M.L.P.A.T. certified controllers have to check it. Deposition of this documentation to adequate authorities.
Drawing up the execution design (P.E.) consisting of the technical design, the execution details (D.D.E.) and previous measurements – amount of works to perform the investment.
A design contract up to the P.A.C. phase may be concluded, however we do not recommend you this solution, leading to an initial economy which will entail a major execution prices-growing, especially in absentia of the previous measurements. Thus the emergence of some technical inadequate solutions will be enabled bringing on further expenses to solve the problems.
The execution designs are drown up in four copies, hence one sticks with the designer, the other ones being given in to the customer, who will deliver them as follows: one to the building contractor, one to the construction superintendent or to the adviser following up the execution and one to be kept by the customer.
The execution duration of a design varies according to its complexity and the noticing issues. Regardless of the notice, a dwelling design might be drawn up in a month, this fastness arising some co-ordination and programming problems though.